How to build a city: Hudson Yards

The longer I live in NYC the more I am fascinated by how such a large epicenter of human progress runs on a day to day basis. This encompasses urban logistics like traffic engineering and water management in addition to the need to move millions of people around with very little friction. A large part of this was learned from experience and there is no better place to see that experience be put into action that in a newly constructed buildings. Not only due they have to contend with the (some times poor) decisions of the past but often time do things effortlessly that were thought out of the realm of plausibility very recently.

The NY Infrastructure Observatory, lead by Spencer Wright is a perfect place to see this in action. They are a group who tours large infrastructure projects in and around NYC. On Wednesday this week we ventured into the Hudson Yards development project on the west side of Manhattan. This is the largest commercial project of its kind in US history.

It was an amazing walk through and the southward facing views are like none you get elsewhere in the city.

Check out the pictures here.



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